Top 10 most dangerous animals of the world 2020

 Top 10 Most Dangerous & Deadliest Animals To Human Friends, today we are introducing you to the 10 most dangerous animals of the world, some of which are found in our own country too pray to God that you will not find these Still nothing else is right for your information but it is important to know about these And this website of yours has been working only to give you the necessary information. 

10. Locust


Locust, This is a special item that we have brought specially for you. If you look at these, you may not have heard about it. The terror of this happened when one morning people saw that the yellow locusts on top of the trees, which were like green grasshopper or grasshopper in the shape, were sticking and licking all the leaves and then completely wandered the herds. n the surrounding hundreds of square kilometre area crops of all the fields were flooded and emergency was declared in the district This is why we called it a dangerous animal. 

9.Blue-Ringed Octopus

Blue-Ringed Octopus

Blue Ringed Octopus or Octopus with Blue Stripes This 8-inch little octopus is a very dangerous creature that is found in the Indian Ocean and Pacific Sea. By the way, it leaves the sharp blue light of light from the striped sticks on its body and warns it only after trying to touch it and you do not even know because cutting does not cause pain or burn. Yet once it bites, it saves as much as 1200 times faster than cyanide, it is enough to kill 26 people. So if you get into the sea, beware of this.

 8. Saifu Ants

Saifu Ants

 Saifu Ants or Saifu worm These worms, found in the forests of East Africa, is a way of moving around in a way. They run very fast by making a huge swamp of 10 m in the number of 40-50 lakhs and chase every creature that comes in its way. They do not last for more than two weeks Every creature in the forest is afraid of them and stays away from them If you ever get laced with these, then just run and sleep on the opposite side 

7. Crocodile


Crocodile Friends, look at this crocodile, which looks just like a dull man It is found in the saltwater but in Eastern India, Southeast Asia and Australia It is the largest of the world - up to 23 feet long - and is a powerful crocodile and can kill any animal entering the water The weight of this can range from 500 to 1000 km. Hundreds of people are victims of it every year in Egypt's Nile River. That is why it is counted among the world's most dangerous animals. 

6. Elephant


Elephant Friends, you are looking at this elephant. This animal, which is so lovable and lovable, is very dangerous and when it gets worse, there is no place for it. Its herds attack villages and ruin crops. Many years ago, hundreds of lives were lost due to the elephant deterioration in the Kumbh Mela, since then elephants have been banned in Kumbh Mela. So elephants are dangerous animals. So keep a distance from him

5. Box jellyfish

Box jellyfish

Box jellyfish Friends, now what you are seeing is a box jellyfish that is found in the North Sea of ​​Australia. Its head is small and square but the ones you understand as hair are stings of it, which is about 6.5 feet long. The sting of the stomach halts as soon as the body gets stuck and the man immediately dies It has killed so many people till date that it has been included in our list because of its infamy.

 4. Comodo Dragon

Comodo Dragon

 Comodo Dragon Friends, you must have never seen a dirty animal like this Let us tell you that the exploits of this are dirty with its body too. This is a kind of lizard which can be around 6 feet long and weighing 80 - 90 kg It is a carnivorous animal that can eat up to 80% of its weight once in a day. Its tongue is torn as a snake's tongue, from which it can smell its prey from a distance of 4km away. And finally, the most surprising thing is that it can be born without children.

3. Red Scorpion

Red Scorpion

 The Indian Red Scorpion Hindustani Red Scorpion Friends, 86 species of scorpions are found in our country, in which the 9-inch tallest is 'huge wild scorpion' but this small red scorpion which is found in entire India, is very scary and dangerous. The poison is so fast that at least 100 people are killed in our country every year due to the bite of this And that is why it is the title of the most dangerous scorpion of the world. So recognize it well and stay away from it.

2.  King Kobra

King Kobra

 The Indian King Kobra / Nagraj Friends, you have ever seen Indian cobra- which is called Nagraj in our country and that which Hindus worship-see. We have seen this snake from 18 feet long and the people's citric pits are missing This is glorious, beautiful and fierce is altogether. It leaves so much poison at a time that it is enough to kill 20 people or an elephant. Friends, remember that it is ok to worship this but it is not good to go near. :D 

1. Buffalo

African Buffalo

Box Cape Buffalo or African Buffalo: Friends, you must have seen the ferocity and strife of non-vegetarian animals so far. Now, look at this pure vegetarian African buffalo, which can fight from lions and crocodiles fearlessly and defeat them. It is the only animal of the world that is born and lives like other wild animals in the forest It weighs around 800 kg.

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